Make No Mistakes- This Was Blasphemy

Thomas Jolly, artistic director of the Olympics 2024 Olympic ceremonies, said in his defense of the Last Supper drag queen scene:

“…I didn’t have any specific messages that I wanted to deliver. In France, we are republic, we have the right to love whom we want, we have the right not to be worshippers, we have a lot of rights in France, and this is what I wanted to convey.”  – Thomas Jolly

It’s hard for me to believe that the minds behind the Olympics 2024 opening performances were surprised that they offended religious people worldwide. Are participants like Thomas Jolly so consumed by their agendas that they lost sight of the audience, including thousands of Christians? Was the resemblance to the famous painting of the Last Supper a coincidence?

I think not. We are more likely seeing this:

John 3:19-20 “And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.”

Darkness is loved, while light is being ardently and actively hated. It isn’t enough for people to just revel in the darkness, they want to showcase it on the world’s stage and be celebrated. Onlookers are not to merely tolerate the darkness, or even accept it. Rather, this is a darkness that seeks to permeate the light, to push it back, and to demand worship in the place of all that is just, beautiful, and true.

This is a glory that seeks to shove Jesus Christ off His throne, akin to beating a crown of thorns onto His head and mocking Him before crucifixion (Mark 15:17-20).

Thomas Jolly claimed no specific message, yet he conveyed: “We  have the right to love whom we want, we have the right not to be worshippers.”

Worshippers of whom? The display made it obvious—worshippers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Since the fall humanity rejects God, and prefers to worship nature, self, and created gods.

We Won’t Believe the Cover Up

Barbara Butch, the Jesus figure at the center of the blasphemy, posted the drag parody of the Last Supper on Instagram, calling it “The new gay testament!” The post was later deleted. (See post here)

The IIOC removed their YouTube video of the 2024 Olympic ceremonies, after criticism arose from Christians, Catholics, and even Muslims. The Paris Olympics authorities refuse to confirm this was a portrayal of the Last Supper, and have suggested that the “blue man” was the Olympian god Dionysus.

Potently, Dionysus is known chiefly as the god of wine and pleasure. I don’t think it’s far fetched then to consider that he sat in the place of the wine of Christ, his blood, and the bread of Christ, his body. Whether or not this was intentional, I would not be surprised if the Lord swiftly brings judgement on those involved in this heinously blasphemous act.

They claim that this artistic piece was to “make us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings” asserting no disrespect was meant to religious groups. Defenders tell us this was about unity, tolerance, and love. As Christians, we felt this personal attack on our Lord and Savior; as Christians we certainly aren’t feeling unity, tolerance, and love.

Whoever is spinning the narrative, we’re not idiots, and we won’t believe it.

This Was Worship

Back to the statement “We have the right not to be worshippers”; To clarify my thoughts on this, I believe in the freedom of religion politically, as no one should be coerced by law into professing faith in Christ. In that sense, citizens of France, like Canada or the USA, are free to choose or reject a religion.

However, can you really watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and believe that a lack of worship was on display? Jesus and the disciples at the Last Supper were portrayed as a group of drag queens, while grotesque sexual displays were performed by individuals who paraded across the table, using it as their catwalk. 

The push is for society to adore and celebrate the transgender movement. We are supposed to see it as beautiful and lovely, ignoring our consciences and instincts to protect our children. Citizens are to bow, not only at the Olympics but in schools, healthcare systems, and political arenas.

They can claim their right not to be worshippers of the one true God, but man will always find something to worship.

Replacing Jesus

The Last Supper portrayal couldn’t have spoken louder: We think your Jesus is a joke, and we’re here to mock him, desecrate him, and replace him.

The bible tells us the fate of those who chase sensuality and lies.

“And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice…They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.”

In the Olympics 2024 opening ceremonies, we saw a grievous display of Romans 1 on full display. What we have seen wasn’t an accident, but a result of debased minds who have shoved God out of their sight. This wasn’t loving, tolerant, or peaceful, but hateful, vengeful, and aggressive.

Romans 1 also states that those who are given over to lust have exchanged the truth about God for a lie, worshiping creatures instead of the Creator (Romans 1:24-25).

They would prefer a drag queen to Jesus, and an abomination to the crucified Christ. 

A Display of the Heart of Man

Many, not just at this event, have done what the Last Supper embodied in their hearts. They reject Jesus for other heroes, gurus, celebrities, and social media stars, following their hearts regardless of the path. To them, scripture would give this warning:

Proverbs 9:13-18
The woman Folly is loud;
She is seductive and knows nothing.
She sits at the door of her house;
she takes a seat on the highest places of the town,
calling to those who pass by,
who are going straight on their way,
“Whoever is simple, let him turn here!”
And to him who lacks sense she says,
“Stolen water is sweet,
and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.”
But he does not know that the dead are there,
that her guests are in the depth of Sheol.

If you could see beneath the seduction and folly, you would see graves. As Christians, we need to warn people about where their sin leads and show them the way to life in Jesus Christ.

Desensitizing Society to Blasphemy & the Demonic

An increase in public declarations and displays of blasphemy is a sign of the end times. In 2023 Madonna also posed as Jesus in controversial Last Supper images for Vanity Fair (warning partial nudity).

Similarly, blatant satanic imagery is rampant in the music industry, such as Sam Smith’s Grammy performance of “Unholy,” introduced by Madonna, where he dressed as Satan in a highly sexualized act.

A writer at the Washington Times remarked that:

“The whispers of Hollywood’s embrace of evil have always reverberated in the shadows, but, in recent years, there’s been a shift in tone — one in which satanic themes are suddenly being spotlighted in newfound and curious ways. Gone are the days of the devil lurking undetected and disguising himself as an angel of light. Now, he’s being given a full-court press, with celebrities perpetuating occultic imagery and the public gobbling it up like esurient seals awaiting a vat of fish.”

There is a clear agenda to desensitize society to graphic sexual displays, blasphemy, and demonic practices. This is reminiscent of Revelation, where “The Beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words” (Revelation 13:5-8). Increased desensitization paves the way for a world where such acts become normalized, ultimately leading to a world where a blasphemous, murderous figure is worshiped, and widespread immorality prevails (Revelation 14:8).

The world must first become desensitized to extreme blasphemy and evil, as the culprits lull many to sleep, saying that demonic sexual performances are normal, innocent, or even beautiful. Satan’s goal is a world where no one winces as the name of Jesus is desecrated, moving society towards a radical acceptance of evil and hatred of good.

Be Encouraged: Jesus Wins the War

I’m thankful many voices have risen up against the 2024 Olympic ceremonies. Even in the darkest times, there will always be a remnant of faithful believers, like those in Revelation who are faithful unto death (Rev 2:10). There are always those who won’t bow to Baal (1 Kings 19:18, Romans 11:4-5).

Jesus conquered sin, death, and satan on the cross. He took our punishment upon himself. Christ still reigns on his throne, and God will deliver justice to those who sin against him, either swiftly on earth or on Judgment Day when each person will give an account of their lives to God.

We know that in the end, God will bring the fullness of redemption to the earth, and as His children, we groan inwardly waiting for that day (Romans 8:23). Even as we grieve, we look forward in hope, knowing that a day comes when evildoers are done away with, and the righteous inherit the earth. As we wait for God’s promises to be fulfilled, we must remember that God is being patient at this time, as He awaits the salvation of the very last soul (2 Peter 3:9).

Closing Words to the Saints

Stand strong, saints; persevere until the end. Remember how God “rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked…he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds” (2 Peter 2:7-8).

God remains in control. He knows how to deal with the wicked and preserve the righteous, and He will faithfully bring creation to its glorious fulfillment.

Remember, we are to be salt and light in this world (Matthew 5:13). We must boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and His righteous standards. Romans 10:14 asks, “How are they to hear without someone preaching?”

We must share not only love but also judgment. Without discussing sin and judgment, the gospel isn’t truly good news. This is why Christians should continue to sound the alarm when blasphemy occurs and when sin is celebrated. Be bold in your love for Jesus and for the lost.