Revelation 9: No Ordinary Locusts

In this captivating “bonus” episode of the Come to Christ podcast,” I had the pleasure of delving into the enigmatic creatures found in Revelation 9 with my esteemed guest, Lyndon Unger. Our discussion ventured into the depths of apocalyptic imagery, specifically the intriguing description of locusts emerging from the abyss, as depicted in Revelation. These are not ordinary locusts, but creatures with attributes that spark the imagination and challenge conventional interpretations: horses prepared for battle, crowned heads gleaming like gold, faces reminiscent of humans, hair as long as a woman’s, teeth as fierce as a lion’s, and tails with the sting of scorpions.

Are The Revelation 9 Locusts Helicopters?

Lyndon Unger brought a fascinating perspective to the table, challenging the popular notion that these creatures could be modern-day Apache helicopters or any technologically advanced machinery. Instead, he emphasized the importance of understanding the symbolic language used in Revelation. The locusts’ description, rich in metaphorical language, points to demonic entities rather than physical objects. These beings are depicted as alluring yet destructive, capable of causing harm to those not marked by God.

Zombies, AI, and Mass Deception

Our conversation took an intriguing turn when discussing the nature of these demonic forces and the punishment they inflict. Unger argued that their purpose is to deceive and inflict pain, drawing a parallel between their described torment and the current cultural fascination with zombies. It may seem like a stretch, but not so much once you consider Revelation 9:6 “And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.”

This comparison also offers a profound critique of how contemporary society grapples with concepts of humanity, spirituality, and the divine image.

Furthermore, Unger highlighted the spiritual warfare embedded within these supernatural depictions. He posited that the era of deepfakes and AI-generated content might desensitize people to the miraculous or the supernatural, potentially fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation in unexpected ways. The capacity for these demonic locusts to only harm those not sealed by God underscores the ultimate spiritual battle between belief and unbelief, marking the essence of end-time tribulations.

Discernment in a Battle for Souls

In essence, our dialogue shed light on the complexities of interpreting biblical prophecies and the significance of remaining vigilant in our faith. The imagery of Revelation 9, as discussed with Lyndon Unger, serves not only as a warning but also as a call to discernment in an age where truth and deception are increasingly difficult to distinguish.

As we concluded our discussion, the underlying message was clear: the spiritual realm is intricately connected to our current reality, and understanding these connections requires both faith and a willingness to see beyond what’s in front of us. In a world ever-changing and filled with uncertainties, the timeless truths of Scripture offer guidance, hope, and a reminder of the battle for our souls.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to Lyndon Unger for his insights and to you, our listeners, for joining us on this journey through the mysteries of Revelation. Let us continue to seek understanding and live out our faith with conviction and clarity, anchored in the hope of Christ’s return.