Hello readers! I’ve been blogging here at Come to Christ, since 2009. The Lord has been…
He had hemmed me in Behind and before, Drew the lines that fall But I thought…
To know the inscrutable Eternal God, This is where my heart Must trod. To know Him…
Did you think To put you in a furnace Would not scorch your skin? To come…
What will I do with satan’s thorn Lodged deep in weakest access point? No pill to…
Share It With Me God’s wonders all around It takes a two year old to see…
Learned, but have I really learned To trust? Hoped in God, yet other times In dust….
Now it seems His hand has turned Against you, Yes, has seen you sinking And has…
Did I hear my Savior cry And did I see Him suffer? Did He with sorrow…
I craved for a firm foundation Where to stand and not be shaken A place for roots to go down deep For treasure that would always keep Which neither time nor fault could stain- A hope unfading to remain.
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