When I look towards the towering hills
The fog weaved gently between them
The sun’s rays beaming through majestic clouds,
When I feel it’s warmth on my face,
Or the crisp morning air,
When I see the long grass laced in frost
And consider that the moon and the stars
Are hung up by your Word,
“What is man that you are mindful of him,
And the son of man that you care for him?”
Who am I that you have measured my days
That you would be deeply acquainted
With all of my ways?
Lord, when I see the way
You set the sky ablaze
Is it hard to imagine your glory revealed?
It is but a foretaste for me
My heart is lifted high and
Closing my eyes I can imagine
You are riding through those clouds for me.
As the highest heights provoke fear
And the sharp sheer cliffs produce awe
The sunsets delight and the cool streams refresh
Oh Lord, your presence will outdo these all
Your beauty will melt away pain,
Your radiance will make me small
Your hands will embrace
Your love will consume.
Oh glorious Sovereign One
Roll these skies up like a scroll
What can compare with You?
Oh rivers, clap your hands!
Oh hills, sing for joy!
Your maker is coming to make all things new.
Oh shout for joy, You His saints
Stand amazed at His promises
“The creation itself will be set free
From its bondage to decay
And obtain the freedom of the glory
Of the children of God.”
Referances: Psalm 8:3, Psalm 139:3,16, Isaiah 34:4, Psalm 98:8, Romans 8:21