I was reading Robert Frost this morning and came across I poem about heaven that truly delighted me. It’s called “The Trial By Existence,” and gives a beautiful view of heaven. Here is the opening stanza:

Even the bravest that are slain
Shall not dissemble their surprise
On waking to find valor reign,
Even as on earth, in paradise;
And where they sought without the sword
Wide fields of asphodel fore’er,
To find that the utmost reward
Of daring should be still to dare.

Apparently I should read Robert Frost more often because it quickly inspired me to write the following poem about heaven, a place that should always be anticipated as a place of adventure. I hope you enjoy it.

The End of Daring- Still to Dare

To find the daring is not over
when once your wicked eyes awake,
to find it no facade or cover
the cliffs that cry or earth that shakes-

But all bewilderment or terror
in that waking land that lasts,
is without stain, or menace, or error
and the pale face is not aghast.

For sailing on that glimmering sea
wonderous, unspeakable glory waits
to waken what hearts long to be
and send you journeying at the gates.

Oh, will you dare those brandished bronze
feet to pause at, and to stare
into those burning eyes as ponds
brimming with love, that welcomes there.

Daring when the books are opened,
daring as the seraph’s cry,
as when Isaiah shouts “Lord send!”
the trumpet blasts, and so say I.